Higher quality does not lead to higher costs. Not necessarily. If you get your production process under control, an increase in quality will follow. PLANTYST doesn’t measure quality directly, but the use of analytical outputs can help you achieve it.

- By monitoring, collecting and evaluating production data, you can track and remove most bottlenecks from your line over time.
- You smooth out your processes and achieve higher quality at the same time
Quality in manufacturing
The reason for “labeling” a product as NOK is usually caused by:
- Machine speed during production being too high or even too low
- Wasted time between steps of production
- Defects in rawmaterial
- Line failure or faulty/damaged tooling
The causes are seemingly different, but the root of each problem is actually the same.
Look for weaknesses in the production process as the reason for everything.
What is the bottom line?
Only quality in productionleads to a quality product.
PLANTYST does not control quality, at least not primarily. But it does allow you to record a number of indicators – such as standards that need to be met, the number of machine cycles or required machine speed – from which your quality inspectors can judge whether the desired quality is being achieved during a shift.
- Your machines run smoothly and their service lives are extended
- There will be fewer defective products and fewer complaints
- Your clients will thank you and your product ratings will not suffer
- Your clients will thank you and your product ratings will not suffer
- PLANTYST data are accessible and understandable for everyone. They’re not just for people in the quality assurance department.
- Due to its advanced features, you improve quality, as well as communication and the sharing of important information between workers.

Unlock the full potential of your production processes
Extend the service life of your machines. Expand production capacity. Increase production efficiency. Reduce production costs.
PLANTYST is the key.