Daily Production Report
How did the workers perform on yesterday’s shift? What production problems did they solve? The Daily Production Report answers everything you need to know.

- You'll gain detailed insight into the performance of a specific machine, group of machines or an entire production floor
- Charts with clear trends and figures provide you with the support you need to make decisions on next steps regarding your production processes
Detailed overview of what's happening in production
PLANTYST automatically generates daily production reports. This puts valuable, up-to-date information in your hands every day with a statement on the availability of one or more machines.
You will know the start and end of downtimes, their total length and the cause.
With the help of filters, daily reports will provide you with the exact information you need to focus on.

Unlock the full potential of your production processes
Extend the service life of your machines. Expand production capacity. Increase production efficiency. Reduce production costs.
PLANTYST is the key.